Stocktaking [home]

Stock Levels F10

 When all the required products have been added to the bar you can setup the unit cost price (ex vat) and yield for the product (you will also need to do this for any newly setup products). Any products that are missing information will be highlighted blue.

It is best practice to review the stock levels screen just prior to rollover looking out for blue lines and update the cost prices .

NOTE: any changes to this screen will affect the entire stock value

Purchases by category F5

There are two ways to purchase by category: individual or multiple. Always ensure that the figures are excluding VAT.


Select the supplier from the list, enter the purchase (delivery) date and reference number from the invoice. Use the tab or enter key x3 to move to the bottom half of the screen. Select either category or 'food purchase' and enter the total cost.. If any suppliers or products are not available, you will need to add these before proceeding.


To enter multiple purchases in one go, select multiple and enter all of the details in the same way

As one lump sum

You can also enter the purchases as one lump sum in either of the following ways.

Purchases by item

Select the supplier from the list, enter the purchase (delivery) date and reference number from the invoice. If any suppliers or products are not available, you will need to add these before proceeding.


NOTE: Prices should not be updated from irregular suppliers e.g. petty cash. Ticking the update costs box for every line will not have a negative effect on the result if the data is correct however we risk not noticing errors when entering pruchases. If the cost has changed by a large amount you should look out for whether it is the correct product chosen, the correct total cost and the correct quantity.

Delivery note

Should only be used when there is no invoice available before rollover.

You can change between invoice and delivery note as required and may want to enter a delivery note if processing an interim stock. It is better to enter an invoice as this allows you to update costs (calculating a more accurate GP and stock value) and makes it easier to spot errors.


This is reverse process of a purchase. You can either enter a credit as a credit value (if you know the cost price) or as a product credit (if you know the quantity). This function can also be used to credit out stock that is transferred to another site (you also need to 'purchase' in the stock at the other site).


Takings F7

The takings entered should be inclusive of VAT, from the time when the stock was last counted until the time of this count and should ideally be entered daily. (eg if the stock is counted at 9am then the revenue later that day should not be included). The best way to enter revenue is to press 'Generate' which will create a date entry for every day of the stock period. By default there are five takings columns, the number of columns should be reduced if we have fewer takings areas.

You can also enter the data week by week in one lump sum or however you have the data available as long as it meets the previous criteria.


Allowances F6

An allowance is a way of accounting for receiving less than the normal expected revenue for an item. E.g. if you normally sell a dish at £6.50 yet have them on offer at 2 4 £10 you have an allowance of £3 for every two dishes sold in this way.

When entering an allowance select Add -> Enter the date (enter exact date if available, otherwise any date within the period) -> Select Allowance type -> Amount (the amount of revenue not being received including VAT) -> Extra information (why/the breakdown)

Different sites have different allowances permitted, always check what is permitted. If no allowances are setup, contact Head Office to set these up,

Count sheets

Before counting the stock, you should print off the count sheets from the software. There are several different types of count sheet, you may wish to review them to choose the most suitable one. Normally the super condensed version is preferred


Stocktake F4

When the count has been completed and totalled up on paper, it is then ready to be entered.

The only field that is editable is the closing field when the number is blue overtype with the new closing stock count.

If an Interim count has been performed and closing stock data is entered, you can use  zero closing to remove this.

Particular care should be taken to ensure you have entered in correct units. E.g. packets rather than boxes and vica verca

Operations report

This is used by our stocktakers to provide a full review of the stock and to highlight areas of concern. For any comments you have regarding the result, or to enter explanations operations report -> next x4






