Reports [home]

All of the reports can be saved as a .pdf document. Although the data can still be accessed in history, it is best practice to create and save any.pdf files required before rollover.

Financial Summary Shift+F2

This is the key report which shows:

Stock Analysis

Shows opening and closing stock both individual and by category.

Particularly useful when stockholding changes significantly allowing us to look for any pack vs box issues

Purchases Category Detailed

Shows all purchase totals and breakdown for all suppliers

Purchases Category Summary

Shows all purchase totals for all suppliers


Credits Detailed

Shows all credit totals and breakdown for all suppliers

Credits Summary

Shows all credit totals and for all suppliers

History Summary

Shows the history of the site so that you can look for trends or patterns in the results

You can change the data that is included in the history by removing/adding the include on YTD tick in the History summary for each/any bar.



You can create multiple report sets based on your needs.

Here is a sample report set that is common for single bar sites:


Merge into single PDF – creates one multiple pdf rather than many

Open completed PDF – opens file for actions once created

Create a contents page at start of document

Print all reports – Will print all reports once created



Multi-bar sites only

If the site has more than one bar, it may be desirable to add reports for all bars as well as consolidated reports.

To do this: add the report required, under the Bar(s) column, click <current> next to the required report to change from current to each specific bar. Repeat until all reports are successfully added.

