Maintenance [home]



Each product is identified by a unique six digit code beginning 000000 and ascending to 999999. The initial digits identify the category of product. As the product list is not a shared product list, these can be set and edited site by site.




000000-000001         All

000002-019999         Meat

020000-029999         Poultry

030000-039999         Fish

040000-059999         Fruit & Veg

060000-069999         Dairy

070000-079999         Bakery

080000-081000         Frozen

081001-083000         Tinned Goods

083001-087000         Sauces/Spices

087001-099999         Dry Goods

100000-199999         Beverages

200000-900000         Spirits

900001-999999         Working Stock









Any new suppliers should be setup here by pressing add and entering a short code and name.

Transfer suppliers may also be setup to allow us to transfer out stock as required.



The master product list is created when the site is first setup and applies to only that site

Multibar sites – access the product list via the main kitchen as the initial delivery of the product will take place there. Please ensure that if a product is stocked in multiple bars that the chosen product code is the same in each.


Filter Products

Products can be filtered either by product number or by description. Type into the Value field on the Product Filter window the first few digits or letters and press Enter or click ok. 

To filter by product code:

10 will list all products starting with these digits in the product code.

To filter by product description:

SMO will display all products beginning with these letters.  e.g. SMOKEY BACON

To filter partial match anywhere BAC will list all products where these letters appear anywhere in the description e.g. SMOKEY BACON


If the filter is not required Esc or enter to close.

To open the filter again either click Filter or Alt+f







Product – 6 digit code defining each product

Description – description of each product and size

Unit – pack size purchased

Yield – number of theoretical sales from one unit (best set at 1)

Cost – cost price (best set prior to importing)


NOTE: once a product has been created within the master product file then this should not be updated or changed as it will retrospectively change the data for every hotel within the group that has used that product. Only newly created products may be deleted. Only minor spelling corrections should be made to other products.


Adding a product

When adding to the list we recommend you are careful to place your new products so that reports remain in a logical order:



The product we have is Salami 4x1kg Box and we have filtered to see other similar products and then filtered by code check which codes are in use.


Select ‘Add’

Product 010027

Desc: Salami 4x1KG

Unit: BOX or BX

Yield: 1

Tick add to current bar





This has added the product to the master product list as well as into the current bar. If you are operating a multi bar site, you will then need to go into each of the bars that stock the product and add by desc to add the product to the bar.


NOTE: The Unit field consists of four characters e.g. BOX – If we try to import a file with more than four characters in the unit field, it will be truncated to just the first four characters


Salami 4x1KG
Eggs x180
Chicken 1KG

It is very important that the cost price is for the description given.



Adding/Deleting Products within a Bar


Deleting– Delete by desc

Whenever a product is no longer in stock (and with no stock movements that period), use del by description to search and remove. This retains the product in the the master product file for historical purposes and so the product can be introduced again.

Here we see only products that are currently stocked by the bar. Any items with opening stock, current stock or any form of stock movement cannot be removed (red). If a product is no longer required: ensure that product has 0 stock after rollover and then remove the product or if the product has no opening stock ensure that there has been no usage and then use delete by description.

Adding– Add by desc

When you need to add a product to another 'bar' or add a product back into stock you can use 'add by desc'.


To add items either tick the box using the mouse and press ok or use the arrow keys and space bar to select the items required.

NOTE: you can continue to filter until all products have been selected before pressing ok to apply changes.

Multibar/new bar setup

Copy Other Bar

Normally on a multi bar site the first bar you set up is the main kitchen. Once products, cost prices and yields have been entered edited and checked this information can be copied as the default information to other bars. If a bar has any stock, you cannot do this.

  • select the blank bar/site to which you wish the default bar information to be copied to
  • Maintenance -> copy other bar
  • select the source bar to copy from


The menu calculator is used for documenting menu costs and menu item GPs.








Complete the menu creator with: Section, Decription, Selling Price as well as individual products with quantity as below.



The software will then calculate the GP produced by each dish entered. You can produce a report displaying GPs for all dishes on the menu.












