Extended features



A Valuation certificate can be produced by the software. Obviously it is important to keep cost prices up to date.

If operating a multi bar site, it may be desirable to create a multi-report with all bars included.

Stock Take menu -> valuation certificate

This function needs to be used for each bar involved.

The following should be entered:

Stock count date & venue address, meter readings  as well as any other items that are required.

Single bar site -  print/save pdf using the onscreen button

Multi bar site -  create report set including all bars and then print/save pdf



If a stock count is not performed at period end or the desired date, it may be desirable to revalue the stock either backwards or forwards. E.g. end of period. A Revaluation certificate can be produced by the software. Obviously it is important to keep cost prices up to date.

If operating a multi bar site, it may be desirable to create a multi-report with all bars included.

NOTE: This function needs to be used for each bar involved.



StockTake menu -> Revaluation

Stock has taken place after the required period end date

Enter the actual stock date (as shown at the bottom of the software)

Enter the Revalue date e.g. 16/05/11

Remove all items from the two columns from before 16/05/11 – thus leaving present only the items that are need to be adjusted on the stock result.

Repeat on all bars. If leaving the bars or selecting revaluation again then previous changes are lost.


Stock has taken place before the required period end date

Enter the actual stock date (as shown at the bottom of the software)

Enter the Revalue date e.g. 20/05/11

Tick the box ‘Has the stocktake taken place before the required period end date?’

Remove all items from the two columns from before 18/05/11 – thus leaving the lists empty – and insert any extra deliveries and revenue from between count date and revaluation date.

Repeat on all bars. If leaving the bars or selecting revaluation again then previous changes are lost.

Single bar site -  print/save pdf using the onscreen button

Multi bar site -  create report set including all bars and then print/save pdf
